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Clone Credit card ? orders ? Available

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Johnny Duncan

Johnny Duncan


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Clone Credit card ? orders ? Available

Get at me for your low & high balance clone cards going for a cool price. Clone cards are spammed
Credit cards with clean funds. My clone cards are available for cash out in ATMs?,Gas Station ⛽️ and can be used for online purchase. Our clone cards comes with an ATM pin for easy cash out

How does it work ? ?
Spammers use credit card filters to obtain magnetic stripe information of a credit or debit card. The information received is not limited to credit card password,numbers,CVV and expiration date. This information comes in the form of the pin (101 or 201) dumps, now they use the MSR printer to put the received information on a blank card.

A blank card that contains information received using credit card filters are called cloned credit cards. You can use them for in- store shopping (card) or cash payment from an ATM

Clone ?orders (low balance)

.  $3.7k balance - $200 (price)
.  $4.3k balance - $250 (price)
.  $5.5k balance - $300 (price)
.  $6.5k balance - $350 (price)
.  $7.6k balance - $400 (price)
.  $8.5k balance - $450 (price)
.  $9.5k balance - $500 (price)

Clone ? orders (high balance)
. $10.5k balance - $1k (price)

. Shipping ? ?

. Swift Delivery on FedEx
express ?

???(USA) >> same day delivery
???(Canada) >> Easy Shipment
???(UK) >> Easy Shipment
???(Germany) >> Easy Shipment
???(France) >> Easy Shipment
???(Switzerland) >> Easy Shipment
? ??(Russia) >> Easy Shipment
???(Denmark) >> Easy Shipment
???(Greece) >> Easy Shipment
???(Netherlands) >> Easy Shipment
???(Spain) >> Easy Shipment
???(Italy) >> Easy Shipment
???(Norway) >> Easy Shipment
                    …and more …. Remember we have a team Worldwide for delivery service at your location.

Text me now and make your orders right away...

? I got a %100 money back policy. You can opt-out for a refund when you have problems with our cards ? never had a card returned for a case of not working or errors but your feedback is always needed for us to improve upon our services


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