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NEED MAJOR HELP! droidjack 4.0

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  • Android, iPhone
  • Windows, Mac OS

Hey folks!


New to the forum, ill admit i love it! got to learn some new tricks on android and windows.
I have a couple of questions about the app droidjack. I have it on my computer running through java and i have not installed it on my rooted 10.1 samsung tab yet.... I was wondering if someone can lead me in the right direction on how to use this app or a link showing me how to use this app.
Also i have a couple more questions about this app.

Can you read someones whatsapp messages/ messages, and other things through the app? or is it just a minor area that it covers. any help would be great!


If your going to be a bear. be a grizzly bear

War. War never changes.
The Romans waged war to gather slaves and wealth.

Spain built an empire from its lust for gold and territory.

Hitler shaped a battered Germany into an economic superpower.
But war never changes.

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