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[Dict] Facebook first and lastnames - 8GB Torrent

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Facebook keeps a public directory [1] of every account which hasn't opted out (somewhere in the settings).
I don't own a Facebook account so I can't tell you where to change this setting.
If that sounds familiar to you it might be because Ron Bowes crawled this directory a couple of years ago [2]
However it got a log bigger since then, so I decided to get a copy of it myself.
It took about two weeks and a lot of bandwidth to accomplish that therefore I'm not recomending you to do it youself.
That's why I'm sharing it here in the first place.

You'll find two compressed archives in the torrent.
raw.tar.xz contains all data I've crawled
Here's an example of Mark Zuckerberg's (yes he's in there) data to get an idea of the format.

zuck;Mark Zuckerberg

"zuck" is the Facebook alias, username or whatever they call it.
"Mark Zuckerberg" is of course the name.
If no alias is set then the first column is the ID of the account.

First I used names from the names and names non-latin directory which only had one space.
Then I split them into first and lastnames, counted the occurrence and finnaly sorted them.
The result looks like this:

2624503 david
2381129 maria
2258886 john
2174816 daniel
1980513 michael
1825282 alex
1692624 ali
1685169 ahmed
1663437 carlos
1663132 mohamed

Why the heck did I post it here?
It's common that users choose their passwords with a name as base and add numbers, etc.
So get the names, add some rules and have fun.



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