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Looking for any politics/ military/technology intelligence ,

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We are from an intelligence analysis corporation and dedicated to intelligence gathering from all over the world.
We are looking for Lockheed Martin Northrop Grumman Boing SI2 technology Agencies:Foreign Departments of The Philippines,US,Australia,Ukraine and so on Data:All data political or military related to US Keyword:Missiles,UAV,DARPA,F35,C4ISR,P8A,Guam,air base,AFRL Limited Distribution Statement:”For Internal Use”,NATO Restricted,EU Restricted,EU SECRET,Official Sensitive,Distribution Statement C/D/F,CONFIDENTIAL,Rel to NATO.
Also we are looking for an insider of a US military contractor,If you can help us find it, we will give you a commission of 2 thousand dollars. If you are directly insider, welcome to contact us.
Anybody who want cooperate, don’t hesitate to contact us.it's a long term business.
jabber  JOLbit08@jabber.ccc.de
Email   ralyleebit00@Protonxy.me

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