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LiteHTTP | HTTP Loader |

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  • Premium Member
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  • 100 posts
  • 307 Bedankt
  • Android
  • Windows, Linux




What is it?

LiteHTTP is an HTTP bot that is being programmed in C#, on the .NET 2.0 dependency.

Expected Features


  • Custom coded with a sleek yet maneuverable design
  • Ability to have more than 1 user
  • User privileges
  • Action logs for all users


  • Download & execute (with option to inject if native)
  • Visit webpage (visible or hidden)
  • Startup (with persistence)
  • Information about bot (aka. OS, version, installed location, etc.)
  • Basic botkiller (nothing fancy)
  • Update
  • Uninstall

If you have any questions or concerns, you can email me here: 

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Please Login HERE or Register HERE to see this link!

Edited by Zero00m, 24 May 2020 - 05:23 Uhr.

Cracked-Scriptz <3


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