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ne says that I am a very active and energetic c

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Hello everyone, my name is Le Ngoc Diep. This year I am 12 years old, I live in Dong Da, Hanoi. There are four members in my family, including my parents, elder brother and me. Now, I'm studying at 9B class at Chu Van An school. At school, they are all docile and lovely. Everyone says that I am a very active and energetic child so they love me so much. My favorite subject is Physics and English. My hobbies are cooking and reading books. Some of the favorite books are science fiction, detective, history and art. In my spare time, I also take an online piano course. In the future, I want to try to achieve the dream of becoming a famous pianist performing in the world.
Hello everyone, my name is Le Ngoc Diep. This year I am 12 years old, I live in Dong Da, Hanoi. There are four members in my family, including my parents, elder brother and me. Now, I'm studying at 9B class at Chu Van An school. At school, they are all docile and lovely. Everyone says that I am a very active and energetic child so they love me so much. My favorite subject is Physics and English. My hobbies are cooking and reading books. Some of the favorite books are science fiction, detective, history and art. In my spare time, I also take an online piano course. In the future, I want to try to achieve the dream of becoming a famous pianist performing in the world.

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